Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Customly 3D printed
Bitetrahghost 2x2x2A Ghost 2x2x2 transformed into a stellated octahedron.
Black Coffee 3x3x3 MirrorA Bump Cube in shape of a coffee drinking cup.
Blooming CubeAn extreme and extremely beautiful cousin of the Valentine Cube.

Blue Star (Heptagram)A 3x3x3 in the shape of a heptagrammic prism.
BolideThe Meteroite with differently shaped corners which implements one round of unbandaging.
Boomdas4Sixteen pieces in a 2D puzzle almost arbitrarily shiftable against each other.

BowlminxOne half of a megaminx turned inside out into the shape of a bowl.
Brick CuboidA 2x3x3 brought in midturn and reshaped into the original cuboidal shape.
BrilliminxA Dino Dodecahedron without faces (aka visible core).

Broken FloppyA Floppy Cube in an elongated but rounded shape, stickered to resemble broken glass.
Brueckner 23,7Another strange shape for the 3x3x3 which does not bear a proper name but only an index. This shape is special because it is self-dual.
Bump 1x3x4A 1x3x4 that was bumped on all three dimensions.

Bump 4 cornersA bumped version of the "4 corners cube"
Bump CheeseA bumped variant of the Cheese-puzzle. A six segment prism with one layer.
Bump Curvy Copter PlusA Curvy Copter Plus that was bumped aka moved inside its solid.

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