Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Customly 3D printed
Bandaged PentultimateA customly printed Pentultimate with customly printed tiles which bandaged the puzzle.
Banshee CubeA ghosted version of the cubic Meteor Madness.
Barrel Cross 3x3x3A 3x3x3 in shape of a bicylinder.

Barrel Curvy Copter PlusA Curvy Copter Plus transformed into a cylinder.
Barrel Skewb IIA skewb in shape of a cylinder with slightly skewed axis system.
Barrel Zock 2x2x3A 2x2x3 ghosted and in shape of a cylinder.

Barrelminx IIA megaminx redesigned to have the shape of a cylinder but with the corner pieces on top and bottom.
Barrier PuzzlerThe Puzzler reimplemented in two versions at once, shown on opposite sides. With some optional blocking mechanism.
Bat (2D with floating or ghost axes)A 2D puzzle with floating or ghost axes.

Battle DomeA simple custom 3D printed puzzle. Each edge can turn 180 degrees and scrambled with the U/D slice.
Battle Dome PlusA 2 layered Prism where each edge can turn 90 degrees.
Battle Dome TrioA 3 layer version of "The Battle Dome" puzzle

BauhiniumTwo intersecting circles of different sizes with rotatable in two or five steps respectively.
Bauhinium PlusThree intersecting circles of different sizes with rotatable in two or five steps respectively.
Beach Curvy IcosahedronA 3x3x3 in shape of an icosahedron but with spherical cuts.

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