Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Customly 3D printed
TetrakiumFour circles intersecting each other like the Rashkey.
TetrasectA 3x3x3 with corner turns that do not intersect with each other.
ThanosA 2x2x2 modelled to resemble the head of the marvel character of the same name.

The Magic JohnsonA truncated version of the Curvy Compino that resembles a Cuboctahedron
The ThingA 2x2x2 modelled to resemble the marvel character of the same name.
Threaded LoopsTwo loops of pieces with three interchangeable half circles and a unique threaded piece that causes two loops to move in opposite directions.

Threaded Tile Bandage KitAnother kit for bandaging a 3x3x3.
Three Faces Skull 3x3x3Three skulls fused into one puzzle based on a 3x3x3.
Time MachopThe Time Machine reimplemented not with a 2x2x2 but with Little Chop.

Tins CubeA corner turning hexahedron which combines 4 corners rotating like a Dino cube with 4 corners rotating like a Redi cube and two cuts per axis.
Tipi 1An elongated version of J�rgen Brandt's Lighthouse cube.
Tipi 2A prism with three layers in shape of a hexagonal pyramid.

Tipi 3The Star Prism transformed into the shape of a hexagonal pyramid.
Tired MinxA megaminx modified to resemble a tire.
Toliman 2Three intersecting circles with different sizes and different rotations.

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