Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Customly 3D printed
Star ForgeCircle Cube with eight planetary gears per side.
Star ScepterThe Radiolarian 3 transformed into a Rhombic Dodecahedron.
Star SquareAn Ufo with six tips that support 90° turns.

Star StormYet another face turning associahedron. Nine axes, three of them doctrinaire.
Star Triplets CubeA newly designed halfminx in shape of a cube.
Star Wheel OctahedronA Coin Octahedron with more cuts.

Star-2A Square-1 with ten equal segments per layers and shaped like a five pointed star.
StarbitDesigned after the Corona Cube but with different cuts.
StarmateA face turning dodecahedron with 3 cuts per axis. One is deep cut, the other two go right through the corners.

Starminx IIThe first edge turning dodecahedron.
StarplexA pentagonal prism with two layers and wedge-like extensions.
Starry SkyA gigantic ring in the middle and ten circles cut up in a hexagonal pattern.

Steinmetz DinoA Dino cube in the shape of the namegiving solid.
StellaminxA Megaminx in shape of a Small Stellated Dodecahedron.
Stellar CrossThe Stellar Cross is a stellated cuboctahedron shaped puzzle with 7 throughgoing axes of rotation and 3 different types of turns.

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