Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Customly 3D printed
Redi AxisThe axised Redi Cube. With six edges hidden and the core exposed.
Redi DodecA Redi Cube transformed into an dodecahedron.
Redi OctaA Redi Cube transformed into an octahedron.

Redi TetraA Redi Cube transformed into a tetrahedron.
Redi TriakisOctaA Redi Cube transformed into a triakis octahedron.
Redi bumpA bumped version of the Redi Cube.

Redi statA Redi Cube truncated into an inverted cube.
Restricted Crazy Junior BarrelThe Crazy Junior Barrel with some constraints.
Retro Egg Ghost 2x2x2A 3D printed 2x2x2 Ghost cube from the Pixel series.

Reuleaux CrystalminxA Pyraminx Crystal in shape of a reuleaux tetrahedron.
Reuleaux TobleroidA five layered triangualr prism roughly in the shape of a bar of the famous swiss chocolate.
Rex 2x3x3A 2x3x3 with the top and bottom faces remodelling the Rex Cube.

Rex HeptahedronCorner turning pentonal prism with somewhat different piece types. A jumbling-only puzzle.
Rex Icosahedron (aka RICO)A Rex Cube with extensions that give it the shape of an icosahedron.
Rex IllusionA Compy Cube that pretends to be a Rex Cube.

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