Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Customly 3D printed
Rainbow 9-axes OctahedronA nine-axes turning octahedron, using a geometry developed by Diogo Sousa.
Rainbow AreciboSix intersecting circles turning in steps of 120�.
Rainbow Arecibo PlusSeven (not six) intersecting circles turning in steps of 60�.

Rainbow RexAn elongated heptagonal dipyramid, turning on all corners except the tips.
Rainbow cube dodecahedronA Dino dodecahedron redisgned into the shape of an icosidodecahedron, an archimedean solid.
Rainbow φ-Square-3A φ-Square-3

Rainium RainbowSeven (not six) intersecting circles turning in steps of 90�.
Raptor Anti PrismA corner turning square anti prism with curvy cuts a little deeper than those of the Curvy V-TAP.
Raptor BallA spherical version of the Proportional-Oh-Cube but from a different designer.

Raptor rhombic dodecahedronThe Raptor Cube transformed into the shape of a rhombic dodecahedron.
Raptor tetrakis Anti Prism weird unbandagedA corner turning tetrakis square anti prism with curvy cuts a little deeper than those of the Curvy V-TAP
RaskewbThe Mental Box after a 180° turn reshaped into a cube.

RecrystallizedA Pyraminx Crystal transformed into the shape of a rhombic dodecahedron.
Red Bump BallA 3x3x3 in shape of a sphere. In addition the core was moved away from the shapes center.
Redi 2x2x2A mass produced Redi cube cut and screwed into a 3D printed core.

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