Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Jumbling only axis system (face turning hexagonal dipyramid)
Hexa RexA hexagonal prism with the jumbling only axis system of a distorted trigonal trapezohedron.
Hexa Rex DipyramidThe Hexa Rex transformed into a hexagonal dipyramid.
HexcentrixThe third hexagonal prism which turns around its corners.

Hexcopter 12 CurvyA hexagonal prism turning on the twelve 90 degree edges.
Hexcopter 12DA hexagonal prism, turning on the 12 short edges.
Hexcopter 18Hexcopter 12 redesigned with three additional cuts resembling Rubik's Cheese and with unbandaged Edge pieces.

HexultimateA dino (corner turning) hexagonal prism.
Mystic CharmA hexagonal dipyramid with two different turns per corner. A jumbling only puzzle.
Mystic Charm PlusAn unbandaged variant of Mystic Charm which has to turned many times until it behaves like the jumbling puzzle that it is.

Mystic PendantThe Mystic Totem without stored cuts in the internal pieces.
Mystic StoneA jewel-like shape of the Hexcopter 12.
Mystic UrnThe 3rd installment of the Mystic Series, a series of face turning hexagonal dipyramids, jumbling only puzzles.

Shadow HexahedronA shape transformation of the Hexcopter 12 Curvy a jumbling only puzzle with the axis system of the face turning hexagonal dipyramid.

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