Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Eoin Dowling
2x2x2 Glacier Blue Mirror OctagonalA "bump"ed cousin of the Barber's Pole.
2x2x2 Summer Plum MirrorA Bump 2x2x2 transformed into a drop-like shape.
2x2x3 Coin CuboidA 2x2x3 transformed into a shape somewhere between a cuboid and a cylinder.

3x3x3 Deep Truncated CubeA deeper cut variant of Sharp Corners 8800101000.
3x3x4 Crazy PillA 3x3x4 truncated into the shape of a pill.
3x3x4 ZockA 3x3x4 transformed like a Zock Cube.

3x4x5 ZockA 3x4x5 transformed like a Zock Cube.
4x4x4 bandaged 100000100000000C00408A 4x4x4 bandaged with three blocks.
5x5x5 Octagonal BarrelA 5x5x5 truncated into an octagonal prism.

Halved hexagonal dipyramidA 3x3x3 transformed halfway into a hexagonal dipyramid.
Mini Tetrahedron Xmas SeriesA Tetra Pyramid truncated further on two, three or four corners.
Slant 2x2x3A 2x2x3 truncated on eight edges.

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