Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

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Rex Rhombic Triacontahedron (RRT)A vertexturning rhombic triacontahedron. Both sets of vertices allow turning.
Rex SkewbA combination of Skewb and Rex Cube like the name says.
Rex Skewb 2x2x2Combines the cuts of the Rex Skewb (which itself combines two sets of cuts) with the 2x2x2.

Rex TetraA puzzle derived from the Rex Cube but with an additional set of pieces.
Rex-Raptor-EvolutionA corner turning hexahedron. Very similar to the Raptor Cube
Rex-Raptor-Evolution SkewbA corner turning hexahedron with three cuts per axis. It combines the Skewb with the Rex-Raptor-Evolution.

Rex-Windmilled Square-0A puzzle topologically identical to the "Compass Sierra Nevada", with a cuboid shape.
RexO CubeA Rex Cube with a cage as visible core.
RexahedronA Rex cube transformed into the shape of a dodecahedron.

RexamorphixA Rex Cube in shape of a tetrahedron.
RexcageA Rex Cube with an additional type of corner but not the ones of the Master Skewb.
RexmateA puzzle with hybrid axis system combining Pentultimate and Rex Dodecahedron in one puzzle.

Rexoctahedron�A cuboctahedron that is face turning on both sets of faces, in this case with cuts resembling the 3x3x3 and the Rex Cube.
Rhino CubeA puzzle with hybrid axis system consisting of a 3x3x3 and half of a Compy Cube.
Rhino JoggingThis cheap knock-off is slightly larger than a Rubik's Cube and features a cartoon rhinocerous.

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