Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Spin BlockA Fidget Spinner pretending to be a Floppy cube but it is just a 1x1x3.
Spin CubeletA Fidget Spinner in shape of a single cubie.
Split 1x3x4A 1x3x4-cuboid with two set of pieces split up.

Spooky 1x2x3A 1x2x3 in shape of a cube with randomly oriented axis system.
Square-1 BarrelA cylindrical Square-1 but with eight segments of equal size on top and bottom.
Square-2 TriangleThe unbandaged version of the Tri-1 aka Tri-2.

Square-4The bigger brother of a Square-2 with even more pieces. The Square-4 is unbandaged so that moves are possible every 18�.
Square-equalA Square-1 in which all pieces have equal size. Therefore it does not behave like bandaged puzzle.
Star ball 24A spherical version of the Little Chop, designed for mass production.

StarwingThis is a modification of a 3x3x3 with concave shapes matching two sides in two.
Stealth 3x4x5The concept of the Camouflage Cube applied to a 5x5x5 which now pretends to be a 3x4x5.
Steampunk Gear CubeA spraypainted Gear Cube featuring wooden tiles.

Stickerless Translucent PyraminxA mass produced Pyraminx, stickerless but with translucent body and tiles.
Sudoku MagicSudoku and numbers
Sudoku RouletteSudoku colours

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