Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Firebolt pillA cylinder with 4*8 tiles which can be moved in two completely different ways.
First stellation of icosahedronA skewb in the namegiving shape.
Fisher 3x3x4A "fishered" 3x3x4.

Fisher Cutter CubeThe concept of the Wall cube implemented with a Fisher 3x3x3.
Flim-Flam CubeA disguised 2x2x4 which pretends to be something more complicated.
Fractured CubeA vertex-turning jumbling tetrakis hexahedron.

Fractured PrismThe Fracture-10 puzzle in shape of a pentagonal prism.
FudballThe dodecahedral cousin of the Doctor Skewb.
Gear BallA mass produced spherical Gear Cube.

Gear BiconeA gear Cube truncated into the shape of a bicone.
Gear Corner Turning OctahedronGeared version of a Magic Octahedron.
Gear DodecahedronA Gear Cube in shape of a dodecahedron.

Gear Halpern-Meier Tetrahedron (Gear Pyraminx)A tetrahedron with gears. Unlike the earlier Gear Pyraminx this one resembles the Halper-Meier Tetrahedron.
Gear PlanetA close relative to Number Planet. A puzzle with 11 numbered tiles and two ways of turning.
Gear TetraminxA Gear Pyraminx truncated into a shape resembling an archimedean solid.

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