Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Escher Fish Skewb DiamondA custom sticker variation of a Skewb Diamond. Inspired by the great works of M.C. Escher.
Even Less GearsA Gear Cube with eight geared edges replaced with four non-geared edges.
Experts 2x2x2A sticker variation for the 2x2x2 which resembles the Shepherd Cube but works like a traditional 2x2x2.

Explosed CubeA series of seven cubes which resemble an exploding cube.
Expo 2010Promoting the fair in 2010 in Shanghai
Expo 2010 ShanghaiCommemorating the Expo 2010 in Shanghai

Expo Shanghai 2010Promotional item for the Expo 2010 in Shanghai.
Extended SkewbDiamond SquarePyramidA skewb diamond with one tip truncated and with several extensions. The resulting shape is a square pyramid.
Extended SkewbDiamond TriangularDipyramidA skewb diamond in midturn with several extensions. The resulting shape is a triangular dipyramid.

Extended Ultimate Skewb Rhombohedron (10561E0C3C00001F803F0A80000)An Ultimate Skewb where 6 faces were deleted by gluing some extensions on them.
F-SkewbF-Skewb = Offset Skewb + 4 Dino cuts
FC Pioneer 11 (Fisher cube)This is a Fisher Cube truncated into a hexagonal dipyramid with both tips further truncated.

Face turning deltoidal IcositetrahedronA jumbling only puzzle in the shape of the namegiving solid.
Fairly FudgedThe sucsessor of Fairly Twisted. With the help of fudging one new type of move is made possible.
Fisher Axis CubeA Fisher Cube with a tilted axis.

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