Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Golden DodecahedronA dodecahedral version of Tony Fisher's Golden Cube.
Golden EggA skewb based puzzle invented by Tony Fisher and produced by Meffert's.
Golden Hexagonal DipyramidA Golden Cube with white solid truncated into a hexagonal dipyramid.

Goofy & Mickey PuzzleballThe two Disney characters playing soccer in 3D relief.
Great Dodecahedron SkewbA skewb transformed into the shape of a great dodecahedron.
Great Icosahedron SkewbA Skewb in the shape of the namegiving solid, a Kepler-Poinsot solid.

Great Rhombic TriacontahedronA skewb in the namegiving shape.
Great Truncated Cuboctahedron SkewbA Skewb in shape of the name giving solid which is a nonconvex uniform polyhedron.
Grenade PuzzleA skewb covered with 3D printed extensions giving it the shape somewhere between a sphere and a cylinder.

Gyro skewbAn Ultimate skewb truncated in 6 regions resulting in a 18-sided solid.
Half SkewbA piece shuffle between the traditional skewb and the Axis Skewb.
Heptagonal Pyramid SkewbA skewb in shape of a pyramid with heptagonal base.

HexBlockA Skewb in shape of a hexagonal prism.
Hexagonal Prism SkewbA skewb transformed into the shape of a hexagonal prism.
Hollow Diamond (Plug&Play)A minimal twist with extending pieces which can be clipped into the hollow pieces.

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