Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Face turning octahedron
EvergreenA share transformed Rex Cube with a tilted axis system and stickers in several shades of green.
FTO TetrahedronA face turning octahedron reoriented and transformed into the shape of a tetrahedron
Face Turning OctahedronThe first face turning octahedron with straight cuts.

Face Turning Octahedron GhostA face turning octahedron transformed into a ghost puzzle.
Fisher Rex CubeA fishered version of a Rex Cube
Fused FTOsTwo face turning octahedrons fused so deeply at their corners that only four sides can be turned.

HexashiftA Rex Cube in the shape of a Hexagonal Prism.
IcoctahedronA face turning octahedron in shape of a non-regular icosahedron.
Icosahedral FTOA face turning octahedron truncated into the shape of an icosahedron.

Imperial AxisA Rex Cube truncated on two opposing corners.
Imperious RexA Rex Cube customly painted based on the Marvel character named Sub Mariner.
Ivy KitesAn "ivy cut" trapezoidal icositetrahedron.

Mirror OctahedronA face turning octahedron transformed like a bump cube.
Multi-Rex PuzzleA Rex Cube with the inner compy cube exposed.
Multirex PlusThe Rex Cube with two additional pieces exposed.

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