Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

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Expo 2010 ShanghaiCommemorating the Expo 2010 in Shanghai
Fish CubePieces of a rhombiminx used to create a 2x2x2 with four additional layers.
FluorineTwo intersecting circles. One rotates in full after 9 turns and the other one rotates in full after 3 turns.

Fractured DiamondThe Krystian's Skewb (aka Master Skewb Mixup) transformed into an octahedron.
G-Shock ClockLimited Edition GAE-2100RC-1AER
GigaHexA Master version of the Twin Spin

GigaQuadThe master cousin of Rashkey.
Half-and-half CubeA shape variant of the extended-only 3x3x5. It combines pieces of the capsule cube and the concussion cube.
Hasseröder Magic JackA version of Magic Jack advertising for brand of german beer.

Hexa World 2x2x2A sticker scheme for the 2x2x2 which resembles Rubiks Earth but projected down to a hexahedral surface.
HexagemoidThe Hexoid in shape of the Hexagem.
HirenminxThe face corner and edge turning cube in its best fitting shape.

Hong Kong StampsDepicting different stamps issued in Hong Kong.
Hyper LooperThree circles on one line, each allowing 180� turns with very deep intersections.
Insanity FragmentationEdge of Insanity with one round of unbandaging but the same shape.

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