Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Claus Wenicker
Square-1 MinxA puzzle similar to Square-1 but with 10 identically wide segments.
Stellated octahedral 1x2x2A 1x2x2 in shape of a stellated octahedron.
Stellation of Pentagonal IcositetrahedronA skewb transformed into the namegiving shape.

Stellation of Snub CubeA 3x3x3 in shape of the first stellation of the snub cube.
Stier3D printed pieces glued onto a skewb giving it the shape of a bull.
Strombic HexecontahedronA skewb in shape of the namegiving solid which is a catalan solid also known as "Deltoidal hexecontahedron".

Sun (Pentagram)A 3x3x3 in shape of a pentagrammic prism.
Super Z DodecahedronThe Super Z transformed into a dodecahedron.
Super Z IcosahedronThe Super Z transformed into an icosahedron.

Super Z Mental BlockThe Super Z twsited by 45� inside the solid and transformed into a cuboid.
SuperIvy HexA Rex Cube (aka Super Ivy) transformed into a hexagonal prism.
SuperZ OctaA Super Z in shape of an octahedron.

T-Rex MasterballA uniformly coloured masterball covered with tattoos showing a T-Rex.
TannenzapfenA 3x3x3 truncated like a "Circled Cube" but three times instead of one.
Tera IcosidodecahedronA Teraminx truncated into the shape of an Icosidodecahedron which is an archimedean solid.

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