Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Other N-Sided: Four
Ruby's TriangleA great little Pyramorphix clone.
SPAX TetraA Spax Cube transformed into the shape of a tetrahedron.
Semi-Bump TetrahedronA handmade Bump Cube transformed in to a rounded tetrahedron.

SencillaA Halpern-Meier Tetrahedron with trivial tips.
Shadow TetrahedronA face turning triangular dipyramid in shape of a tetrahedron with randomly shaped splines instead of straight cuts.
Shark PyraminxA Pyraminx customly painted with a shark, ready to bite.

ShiftmorphixA Gear Shift in shape of a tetrahedron.
Si XiangA Duomo customly painted with figures steeming from chinese mythological.
Six Spot TetreadroA Six Spot Cube transformed into the shape of a tetrahedron

Skewb-ManThe Pyrachair resembling the every hungry Pac-Man.
Skewbmorphix Mirror CubeA Skewb in shape of a Reuleaux Tetrahedron, twisted inside the solid.
Slice Of RevengeA 2x2x2 with extensions to transform it into a half-regular tetrahedron.

Slice PyraminxA Pyraminx with the tips directly connected to the core.
Slim PyramorphixA 2x2x3 (aka Slim Tower) transformed into tetrahedral shape.
Slim TetrahedronA 2x2x3 (aka Slim Tower) transformed into a tetrahedron and placed in midturn.

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