Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Six-Sided: Cube (Shape Changing)
Crazy 3x3x3 Mirror CubeA bumped version of the Crazy 3x3x3.
Crazy Cube (Square-1)A Star Prism caught in midturn and reshaped back to a hexahedron.
Crazy Curvycopter (moon type)A Curvy Copter with 4 crazy circles on its edges.

Crazy GearAn axised variant of the Gear Cube from the same inventor.
Crazy Helix CubeThis cube is made inspired by the crazy yileng (a mass produced fisher cube mod) but is made of a cube 3x3x3.
Crazy Mirror 3x3x3 Cube (2 circles)The bumped version of the Crazy 3x3x3 Plus 2 Faces

Crazy Mirror 3x3x3 Cube (4 circles)The bumped version of the Crazy 3x3x3 Plus 4 Faces
Crazy Mirror 3x3x3 Cube (6 circles)The bumped version of the Crazy 3x3x3 Plus
Crazy Square-1A Square-1 with two circles, one on the top face and the other on the bottom face. These two faces have different movements.

Crazy Yileng 5x5x5A Fisher 5x5x5 with a tilted axis.
Crazy2face 3x3x3 Mirror CubeA bumped version of the Crazy 2-Face.
Cube 21 - Limited EditionThis Cube 21 shows only one sort of stickers. Solving the shape is all to be done.

Cube 21 - Original EditionEuropean version of the Square-1.
Cube 21 - Silver EditionThis Cube 21 only has 2 colours, one of which is always silver.
Cube 321A bandaged Square-1. Quite ironic since the Square-1 itself is a bandaged puzzle.

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