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Other Puzzles: Folding
Mini PazzleAnother version of Rubik's Snake, originating from Japan only distinguishable by the different package and its strange name.
Mini Skeleton MagicApproximately 1/7 the size of the original Magic.

Mini Transformers MagicApproximately 1/7 the size of the original Magic.
Mini V.V.V. Puzzle Magic RingsAn interesting variation of the common "Rubik's Master Magic" with a completely different solution.
Monster Master MagicA custom made Rubiks Magic with 24 tiles. The creator designed at least 3 different variants.

Mozaika ObieemnaiaThe soviet version of Rubiks Snake which were named Мозаика Объёмная or Volumetric Mosaic.
My Combination PuzzleA rubik's Snake of japanese descent.
My SnakeA japanese version of Rubik's Snake. Supposedly from the cube craze.

Naef 2x2x2A wooden variant of Rubik's Maze with the size of a 2x2x2.
Nuevo Juego MagicoRubik's Magic produced with spanish text on the package. Probably a clone.
Olympic Mascot Micro MagicJuozas Granskas's 3-panel Magic. Complete all three Olympic mascots at the same time.

Oval SnakeA Rubik's Snake with unusual oval pieces.
Oval Snake 8 stopsA Rubik's Snake with unusual oval pieces with 8 stops.
P.G. Co Puzzle Snake Key ChainCame in four different colours.

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